Makoor - The Secret Garden


Alien heads (Copyright Ali Nitschke 2000)


Rock Faces

Ali & Neil

Skull Rock (Copyright Neil Chenery 2000)

Rock Face 2 (Copyright Neil Chenery 2000)

Cliff Face (Copyright Neil Chenery 2000)

These images didn't come from our private garden, they can be found by anyone wandering the coastlines and mountains of southern and eastern Australia.

The enjoyment we get from these particular images lies in the recognition of faces and forms created by centuries of erosion and shaping by the elements.

The discovery of faces, bodies and familiar images in nature goes back to the beginning of human history. Early cave and rock painting often enhanced the forms that nature provided in the shapes of animals or spirits. Echos of the patterns in nature can also be seen in intricate cell formations through electron microscopes and in magestic star formations captured by the Hubble telescope.

Our pictures are inspired by the exhilaration of beach walks that always leave us open to a fresh view of our surroundings. They were chosen not just for the forms and faces, some well camouflaged, but also for the beauty of the colours, patterns and textures.

Click on an image to see it full size or click on this arrow to see the series...

Ali & Neil, January 2000

See the series


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