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The Healer's Journey

Ian Watson


The journey begins with INTENTION. What do we intend for ourselves and for those whom we seek to help?
What is the real purpose behind our healing work?
When our intention is clear, energy becomes available for the work that we need to do.

CREATIVITY is our birthright.We are all creators. If we want to help others to create a healthy life, we must first learn to create for ourselves.
What, then, would you like to create for yourself? How would you really like to practice?
Don't limit yourself - let your creative energies flow.

POWER is neutral. It's what we do with it that counts.Remedies are not powerful - they have only potential.
Effective healers know where the power to heal resides.
Who is responsible, and for what? These are questions about our relationship to power.

We live in a COMMUNICATION age. But how well do we communicate?
Clear communication reflects a clear mind and an open heart.
Good communicators know how to truly listen as well as to speak their truth.

Healing RELATIONSHIPS are unique, as are all our relationships.
In others we can see ourselves reflected. How do we create and maintain healthy relationships, with clear boundaries?
What do our relationships with others teach us about ourselves?

TRUST is the antidote to fear. With sufficient trust, all things are possible.
Trust cannot be learned - it is there already and needs only to be uncovered. Where do we lose our trust.
With trust comes confidence, and freedom to be as we are.
Trust in yourself. Trust life!

IN-SPIRATION is simply "breathing in". When we nurture ourselves and learn to listen, we can breathe in everything we need for our growth as healers.
What inspires your work?
How will you inspire others to heal themselves?

Our natural state is one of ABUNDANCE. When we resist the flow of life we may experience lack, but what are we really lacking and why?
Do healers need to struggle in order to heal?
Could it be that the more we allow for ourselves, the more we have to give to others?

The ability to turn one thing into another is called TRANSFORMATION.This is a process, not an event.
As we acquire knowledge, we must also let go of those things that no longer serve our growth.
As we transform ourselves, so we are able to facilitate transformation in others.

As our journey comes full cycle, INTEGRATION takes place.What was once separate becomes joined.
We are able to bring all of ourselves to our work and to our life. This is wholeness. This is healing.
As we heal ourselves, everyone benefits. All healing, ultimately, is self-healing.
When you know this in your heart, your journey is complete.

Ian Watson is the Course Director and co-founder of The Lakeland College.


The House of Rooms